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Ranger's Revenge (Texas Ranger Jim Blawcyzk Book 7) Page 19

  "I know my dad certainly would," Dan Huggins answered.

  "There's something to be said for loyalty and friendship like that. And seeing your affection for Jim, I realize I may have acted too quickly in asking for his resignation. I have to balance everything he's done for the Texas Rangers and the State against this one incident, serious as it might be. I failed to do that."

  "You might want to also consider his wife was beaten and raped, his son shot, and Jim himself nearly killed," Smoky added. "That's enough to make any man go a bit loco."

  "And don't forget havin' Sam shot and crippled," Jeff added.

  "You don't have to stick up for me, Jeff. None of you do," Jim protested.

  "We'd better, seein' as you're not doin' a very good job of it yourself," Dan said.

  "Just shut up and let the captain speak his piece, Jim, or I'll have to gag you," Smoky ordered.

  "All of you just pipe down," Trumbull rumbled. "Jim, obviously your defiance of official orders merits punishment. However, taking into consideration your illustrious service to the State of Texas, I have rethought my decision. I now feel a forced resignation is too harsh a penalty. Instead, would you accept a month's suspension, which I will put in the records as a leave of absence?"

  Jim's face broke into a broad grin.

  "I sure would, Cap'n. That will give me time with Julia before I have to ride out again. She's still got some tough hurdles ahead. I'd like to be there for her."

  "So that's settled," Trumbull said. "I'll have the papers drawn up this morning."

  "That's not quite everything," Smoky pointed out. "We all resigned. Are we still Texas Rangers?"

  "I don't know," Trumbull grinned. "What do you think, Jim?"

  "I think you'd be crazy to let these ornery cusses join the Texas Rangers, Cap'n," Jim laughed. "But I suppose it's better to have 'em with us than out raisin' Cain on their own."

  "Then I don't want to hear any more talk of resignations," Trumbull declared. "Now, let's all head over to the Silver Star. I'll even buy the first round."

  "If it's all the same to you, Cap'n, I'd like to get home to Julia and Charlie. They'll be worried," Jim said.

  "Of course. But one round of drinks first. And that's an order, Lieutenant."

  "Reckon I've got no choice, since it's a direct order." Jim chuckled. "All right, one round. But then I'm headin' home."


  As they headed out the door, Dan questioned Trumbull.

  "Hey Cap'n, what about those politicians you said are after yours and the lieutenant's hides? Did you forget about them?"

  "Have you ever known me to worry about what some penny-ante politico thinks?" Trumbull thundered.

  "Can't say as I have, Cap," Dan responded.

  "So you know I can handle them all right. End of discussion."

  When they came to where Soot and Sizzle were tied, patiently awaiting their riders, Trumbull stopped in front of Jim's paint. He patted Sizzle's nose. "Sure is a relief bein' able to walk close by your cayuse without havin' to worry about him takin' a chunk out of my hide," he remarked.

  Sizzle snorted, dousing Trumbull with spray from his nostrils.

  The other Rangers burst into uproarious laughter.

  "I never claimed just 'cause Siz doesn't bite it's safe to be around him, Cap'n," Jim said grinning.

  "Maybe I'll keep you in the Rangers but not your blamed horse," Trumbull retorted. "C'mon, let's get those drinks."

  Jim got out of the Silver Star as quickly as possible. A short time later, he was home. Julia and Charlie were waiting on the porch.

  "Well, dad? What happened?" Charlie asked, before Jim could even dismount.

  "I'm still a Texas Ranger, Charlie," Jim answered, "But even better, I've got a whole month off to spend with you and your mom."

  "Are you sure that's what you want, Jim?" Julia asked. "Staying in one spot for a month will be almost impossible for you?"

  Jim swung down off Sizzle's back, climbed the stairs, and enfolded her in his arms.

  "I think I can manage," he replied, kissing her full on the lips.

  "In fact, I know I can."

  James J. Griffin

  Jim Griffin became enamored of the Texas Rangers from watching the TV series, Tales of the Texas Rangers. He grew to be an avid student and collector of Rangers' artifacts, memorabilia and other items. His collection is now housed in the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum in Waco.

  His quest for authenticity in his writing has taken him to the famous Old West towns of, Pecos, Deadwood, Cheyenne, Tombstone and numerous others. While Jim's books are fiction, he strives to keep them as accurate as possible within the realm of fiction.

  A graduate of Southern Connecticut State University, Jim now divides his time between Branford, Connecticut and Keene, New Hampshire when he isn't travelling around the west.

  A devoted and enthusiastic horseman, Jim bought his first horse when he was a junior in college. He has owned several American Paint horses. He is a member of the Connecticut Horse Council Volunteer Horse Patrol, an organization which assists the state park Rangers with patrolling parks and forests.

  Jim's books are traditional Westerns in the best sense of the term, portraying strong heroes with good character and moral values. Highly reminiscent of the pulp westerns of yesteryear, the heroes and villains are clearly separated.

  Jim was initially inspired to write at the urging of friend and author James Reasoner. After the successful publication of his first book, Trouble Rides the Texas Pacific, published in 2005, Jim was encouraged to continue his writing. Ranger's Revenge is the seventh book is a series of Westerns.

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